ALPHA 0.11.8 - February, 5, 2023 - Added a captcha that sometimes shows when the server is at a high player count - More bot preventions will come in a future update ALPHA 0.11.7 - January 7, 2023 - Fixed occasional disconnects that happened when teleporting between servers and dying in the crossroads/abyss ALPHA 0.11.6 - January 2, 2023 - Fixed a bug that made the game not work on some IOS mobile devices - Fixed a bug that made sending chat messages not work on some mobile devices - Other minor bug fixes ALPHA 0.11.5 - December 30, 2022 - Fixed a bug that sometimes caused disconnects when teleporting between servers - Fixed a bug that made debug mode always show ping as 0 - Nerfed Meteor's speed (1.5 => 1.35) ALPHA 0.11.4 - December 29, 2022 - The "Clickable Chat Links" setting is now off by default - Added a confirmation popup that shows before opening links sent in chat ALPHA 0.11.3 - November 13, 2022 - Minor changes and buffs to the Abyss - Fixed a bug that wrongly kicked players for having too many connections - Other minor bug fixes ALPHA 0.11.2 - November 7, 2022 - Fixed an exploit that allowed players to start in the Crossroads, Sanctuary, and Abyss - Minor changes and nerfs to the Abyss ALPHA 0.11.1 - November 6, 2022 - The Abyss is now 4 Teams instead of FFA - Added Abyss profile icon backgrounds - The "Lone Survivor" achievement now gives 120 stars instead of 95 - Minor bug fixes and changes to the Abyss ALPHA 0.11.0 - November 6, 2022 - Added a new dimension - the Abyss - it can be accessed through portals in the Crossroads - it contains lots of radiant shapes - more will be added to it in future updates - Fixed some bugs with achievements - The Excursionist achievement no longer requires you to go back to the gamemode that you started in - Fixed bug that made some level-specific achievements sometimes not get completed - Fixed bug that made some level-specific achievements get completed instantly for players that respawned exactly at the achievement's required level - if you completed the achievement this way, you will still have it - Added 2 new achievements - Lone Survivor - Survive alone as a celestial in 2 Teams or 4 Teams for 10 minutues - gives 95 stars - there must be at least 13 players in the server during that time - if another celestial joins or the player count drops below 13, the timer will pause - Trespasser - Enter the Abyss - gives 85 stars - Minor bug fixes ALPHA 0.10.9 - October 15, 2022 - Auras now get disabled when passive mode is on - Added chat message typing indicators - they can be disabled in settings by turning the "Show Typing Indicators" setting off - the new "Silent Typing" setting makes it so that other players can't see when you're typing - Chat messages now always render above names and health bars - Clicking on the chat box now stops you from moving - Fallen tanks will no longer show their owner's chat messages after leaving the game - Control toggle notifications now only last half as long as other notifications - Names, chat, and health bars no longer show in screenshot mode - enable the "Show Names & Chat in Screenshot Mode" setting to revert this - Other minor changes to chat messages - Minor bug fixes ALPHA 0.10.8 - September 26, 2022 - Synope's minions' drones now get destroyed if the minion that made the drone gets destroyed - this means that it is no longer possible to generate an infinite amount of drones using Synope - Object pushing is now more mass-based - this means that it is now harder for smaller objects to push larger objects - Bug/Exploit fixes ALPHA 0.10.7 - September 17, 2022 - Radiant polygons no longer multiply gained xp - Bug fixes - Fixed bug that made Peacekeepers not spawn - Other minor bug fixes ALPHA 0.10.6 - September 11, 2022 - Added quick chat, opened by pressing T in-game - quick chat makes it easier to quickly send chat messages and commands in-game - just like any other keybind, the keybind used to open quick chat can be changed in settings - on mobile, there's a button next to the chat input that opens quick chat - this button can be disabled in settings by turning off the "Show Quick Chat Button" setting - Bug fixes ALPHA 0.10.5 - September 5, 2022 - Pressing escape while typing in the chat box now deselects it - this used to be a feature but stopped working a while ago because of a bug - The escape keybind is now editable like any other keybind - Fixed a bug that made the submit feedback/report bug forms not work - The darkness effect in the crossroads is now slightly translucent - Celestials leaving the game now counts as them dying - this means if you were fighting a celestial that left the game, you'd get their xp as if you killed them - this also applies to players that wouldn't spawn a fallen tank due to the fallen tank limit ALPHA 0.10.4 - August 29, 2022 - Fixed a bug that made chat messages disappear earlier than they were supposed to - Fixed a bug that allowed players to sometimes kill the same person multiple times - this would multiply the kill message and the xp given - Other small bug/exploit fixes - Fixed some connection issues ALPHA 0.10.3 - August 21, 2022 - Account profile icons are now more customizable - you can now use celestial upgrades and change the background color - Fixed an exploit that allowed normal tanks to enter The Sanctuary - Fixed a bug that made the submit feedback/report bug forms not work - Other minor bug fixes ALPHA 0.10.2 - August 16, 2022 - Nebula can now upgrade to Oberon - Players with spawn protection can no longer deal body damage, enter wormholes, or enter gateways - Wormholes now last longer when empty - Increased base camera size by 20% - Nerfed some upgrades' camera size to compensate - Nerfed Assassin's camera size (1.5 => 1.4) - Nerfed Marksman's camera size (1.7 => 1.5) - Nerfed Mothership's camera size (1.25 => 1.2) - Added a new achievement - Pristine - Reach level 60 without taking damage - gives 75 stars - Having a square screen no longer gives a bigger camera size - a 16:9 aspect ratio screen is optimal now - Polygons now shrink when despawning instead of doing a normal death animation - Objects traveling through wormholes or gateways now have a different fading out animation - There should now always be at least one wormhole in each server - if a wormhole despawns or ruptures, a new one will always spawn in 10-15 seconds - Health bars now have an animation when fading in and out - Fixed an issue that made objects display a death animation when out of camera range - this was most noticeable with large polygons and the Prime Celestial - Account passwords can now contain symbols - Becoming a celestial in the crossroads now gives spawn protection - Minor bug fixes and performance improvements ALPHA 0.10.1 - August 2, 2022 - Fixed some connection issues - Modified some achievements - Star Collector - needs 350 stars to complete instead of 250 - gives 45 stars instead of 40 - Star Hunter - needs 750 stars to complete instead of 650 - gives 65 stars instead of 60 - Star Hunter - needs 1,500 stars to complete instead of 1,000 - gives 135 stars instead of 115 - Monarch - requires you to be on the leaderboard for 20 minutes instead of 10 - Classic - now gives 60 stars instead of 40 - Oh Node! - now gives 70 stars instead of 50 - if you've already completed any of these achievements, you will still have them but you won't get any more stars - Balancing changes - Nerfed Castle's reload (1 => 1.5) - Buffed Castle's damage (0.75 => 1.7) - (Overall buff to Castle) - Nerfed Bastion's penetration (1.5 => 1.3) - Buffed Bastion's reload (3 => 2) - (Overall buff to Bastion) - Added a "Show Hitboxes" setting for debug mode - default off - Added 4 new body upgrades - Brigade - upgrades from Spike, Turret, and Armory at level 30 - has extra body damage, extra speed, and an auto cannon with 2 barrels - Battalion - upgrades from Brigade, Thorn, Castle, and Triplet at level 45 - has more speed and body damage than Forge, and has a bigger auto cannon with 3 barrels - Forge - upgrades from Bonfire and Spike at level 30 - has extra body damage, extra speed, and a weak damaging aura - Foundry - upgrades from Forge, Thorn, and Flare at level 45 - has more speed and damage than Forge, and has a bigger damaging aura - Bug fixes ALPHA 0.10.0 - July 27, 2022 - Added accounts - click the "sign up" text on the main menu to create an account - you can still change your in-game name separately from your account username - accounts aren't required to play and never will be - other players in-game can't see if you're logged in or not - Added stars - you earn stars by playing the game and completing achievements - whenever you die, you get stars depending on how long you played for, how many players you killed, and how many polygons you killed - if you disconnect or leave the game without dying, you get as many stars as you would've gotten if you died then - killing players that are at a much lower level than you doesn't give you stars - stars aren't a currency, they just contribute to unlocking some achievements - Added achievements - achievements give stars when completed - there are currently 26 achievements, and there will be more in the future - you can only earn achievements when logged in with an account - Bonfire's, Flare's, Mender's, and Remedy's aura bases are now slightly smaller - this is a purely cosmetic change, and does not affect gameplay at all - Added 3 new settings - Show Percentages on Health Bars - default off - when on, shows entities' health percentages on their health bars - Show Health Bar on HUD - default off - when on, shows your health bar at the bottom of the screen in addition to where it normally is - Use Scientific Notation - default off - when on, scores higher than 1000 will be represented in scientific notation, for example 1.23b becomes 1.23e+9 - Nerfed Void - Nerfed its body damage (2.8 => 2.45) - Nerfed its speed (1.55 => 1.4) - Players can no longer spawn as radiant - Fixed an exploit that allowed players to save scores for long periods of time after teleporting between servers - Now, scores will only be saved for one minute after teleporting between servers - Names and health bars now show on the death screen - chat messages still don't - Decreased the darkness in the Crossroads (0.75 => 0.6) ALPHA 0.9.10 - June 27, 2022 - Balancing changes - Nerfed Charon's trap launch speed (1 => 0.65) - Buffed Moon's small drones' damage (0.65 => 0.75) - Nerfed Moon's small drone launchers' reload (2 => 3) - (Overall nerf to Moon) - Buffed Satellite's small drones' damage (0.5 => 0.65) - Nerfed Satellite's small drone launchers' reload (1 => 2) - (Overall nerf to Satellite) - Buffed Alpha's trap launch speed (0.55 => 0.65) - Buffed Beta's trap launch speed (0.75 => 0.8) - Buffed Hearth's damage (0.0625 => 0.1) - Buffed Bonfire's damage (0.0625 => 0.1) - Buffed Flare's damage (0.075 => 0.1) - Buffed Artillery's health (1 => 1.1) - Buffed Bombard's health (1 => 1.2) - Buffed Riot's damage (0.55 => 0.75) - Buffed Riot's trap launch speed (1 => 1.2) - Nerfed Riot's reload (2 => 2.4) - Nerfed Riot's trap penetration (3 => 1.65) - (Overall nerf to Riot) - Buffed Barricade's damage (0.5 => 0.6) - Buffed Barricade's trap launch speed (1 => 1.2) - Nerfed Barricade's trap penetration (4.5 => 2.25) - (Overall nerf to Barricade) - Nerfed Raider's reload (9.5 => 11) - Added 3 new celestial drone body upgrades - Triton - upgrades from Celestial at level 75 - has 3 small drone launchers and 3 large drone launchers - Hyperion - upgrades from Triton at level 90 - also has has 3 small drone launchers and 3 large drone launchers, but they are stronger and the large one is bigger - Oberon - upgrades from Triton and Nebula at level 90 - has 3 small drone launchers and an auto cannon - Added a limit of 10 fallen tanks per server and 2 per IP address - Replaced the "Show Particles" setting with "Particle Amount" - with this, you can now change the amount of particles shown without disabling them completely - you can now also turn off the crossroads/sanctuary background particles by disabling the new "Show Ambient Particles" setting - Upgrade buttons now react when hovered over with the mouse - Particles now spawn when tanks upgrade their class - Stat upgrades are now animated when upgraded - Stat upgrades on mobile now show the number of points put into them - Links in players' names in kill notifications are no longer clickable - Fixed a bug that made auto cannons shoot differently when targeting large polygons - Fixed a bug that made the death screen show your time alive as double what it actually was - Various other minor bug fixes ALPHA 0.9.9 - May 29, 2022 - Players are now limited to only sending 5 chat messages per 3 seconds - Fixed some exploits and bugs ALPHA 0.9.8 - May 14, 2022 - Updated the server selector - Added a new setting: Show Full Server List - default off - when on, shows the old server selector below the new one - The main menu background is now different for each gamemode - Balancing changes - Buffed Split's front cannon's damage (1 => 1.5) - Buffed Split's side cannons' penetration (1 => 1.15) - Buffed Spread's front cannon's damage (1 => 1.7) - Buffed Spread's front cannon's penetration (1 => 1.7) - Buffed Spread's reload (1.5 => 1) - Buffed Spread's camera size (1 => 1.1) - Buffed Disperse's front cannon's damage (1.75 => 2) - Buffed Disperse's reload (1.5 => 1.1) - Buffed Single's damage (3 => 5.5) - Nerfed Single's penetration (1.5 => 1.2) - (Overall buff to Single) - Buffed Destroyer's damage (9 => 14) - Nerfed Destroyer's reload (3 => 4.5) - (Overall buff to Destroyer) - Buffed Compound's cannon's damage (3 => 5.5) - Nerfed Compound's cannon's penetration (1.5 => 1.2) - (Overall buff to Compound) - Buffed Hybrid's cannon's damage (8 => 13) - Nerfed Hybrid's cannon's penetration (1.3 => 1.2) - Nerfed Hybrid's cannon's reload (3 => 4.5) - (No change in damage per second to Hybrid) - Buffed Guard's cannon's damage (1 => 1.5) - Buffed Guard's cannon's penetration (1 => 1.5) - Buffed Alloy's cannon's damage (1 => 1.5) - Buffed Alloy's cannon's penetration (1 => 1.5) - Buffed Gunner's damage (0.6 => 0.8) - Buffed Gunner's reload (1 => 0.8) - Buffed Gunner's bullet speed (1 => 1.1) - Buffed Minigun's reload (1 => 0.8) - Buffed Minigun's bullet speed (1 => 1.2) - Buffed Minigun's camera size (1 => 1.1) - Buffed Riot's trap damage (0.5 => 0.55) - Nerfed Barricade's trap penetrate (0.5 => 0.45) - Buffed Raider's auto cannon's damage (2 => 2.5) - Polygons now despawn 3 minutes after taking damage instead of 5 - Fixed an exploit that allowed players to stack bullets with upgrades like Octo - Fixed an exploit that allowed players to duplicate xp - Fixed a bug that allowed large traps to go through walls in the Crossroads - Various other bug fixes ALPHA 0.9.7 - May 1, 2022 - Fixed an exploit that allowed players to enter the Sanctuary as a normal tank - Balancing changes - Nerfed Engineer's trap damage (0.65 => 0.5) - Nerfed Engineer's auto cannon's damage (2 => 1.2) - Nerfed Engineer's auto cannon's penetration (1.2 => 1) - Nerfed Mechanic's auto cannon's damage (1.55 => 1.4) - Nerfed Mechanic's trap damage (0.45 => 0.35) - Buffed Raider's trap reload (13 => 9.5) - Buffed Raider's auto cannon's reload (8 => 6) - Buffed Raider's auto cannon's damage (1.9 => 2) - Buffed Raider's auto cannon's penetration (2.5 => 2.65) - Nerfed Raider's trap damage (2 => 1.8) - Buffed Manufacturer's reload (25 => 12) - Buffed Hatcher's reload (12 => 7) - Buffed Industry's reload (24 => 14) ALPHA 0.9.6 - April 27, 2022 - Changed how radiant shapes work - they now give 25x xp instead of 7x - higher level radiant shapes only give 4x the xp of the previous level - radiant shapes have a 1 in 9 chance of being at a higher level, even in the Crossroads - higher level radiant shapes now look different depending on their level - radiant shapes now spawn more often in the Crossroads - Increased the amount of shapes in the Crossroads - Changed the look of Turret, Triplet, and Quadruplet - they now only have one auto cannon with multiple barrels instead of multiple - they still have the same stats as before - Added 4 new weapon upgrades - Engineer - evolves from Gamma - has one trap launcher that shoots traps with auto cannons on them - Arsenal - evolves from Engineer and Barricade - has two stacked trap launchers that shoot traps with double auto cannons on them - Raider - evolves from Engineer and Beta - has one large trap launcher that shoots stronger traps with stronger auto canons on them - Mechanic - evolves from Engineer, Stockade, and Scrap - has three small trap launchers that shoot small traps with auto cannons on them - Synope's minions' auto cannons no longer shoot when passive mode is on - Balancing changes - Buffed Mono's penetration (1 => 1.5) - Buffed Mono's damage (1 => 1.5) - Buffed Duo's penetration (1 => 1.4) - Buffed Duo's damage (1 => 1.3) - Buffed Trio's penetration (1 => 1.3) - Buffed Trio's damage (1 => 1.15) - Buffed Quadro's penetration (1 => 1.25) - Buffed Flank's damage (1 => 1.5) - Buffed Quad's damage (1 => 1.5) - Buffed Octo's damage (1 => 1.5) - Buffed Conglomerate's cannon's damage (1 => 1.5) - Buffed Arc's damage (1 => 1.3) - Buffed Horizon's small cannons' damage (0.75 => 1) - Buffed Horizon's large cannon's damage (1 => 1.5) - Buffed Penta's penetration (1 => 1.25) - Buffed Penta's side cannons' damage (1 => 1.1) - Nerfed Penta's front cannon's damage (1.5 => 1.1) - Fixed bug that sometimes made drones disappear without respawning - Fixed bug that allowed players to break base defenders ALPHA 0.9.5 - April 19, 2022 - Balancing changes - Buffed Pollux's speed (0.93 => 1) - Buffed Pollux's damage (3 => 4.5) - Nerfed Pollux's reload (3 => 4) - (Overall buff to Pollux) - Nerfed Alpha's trap launch speed (1 => 0.55) - this sounds like a huge nerf but the traps still travel around 75% of their old distance before stopping - Nerfed Beta's trap launch speed (1 => 0.75) - Nerfed Gamma's trap launch speed (1 => 0.9) - Slightly nerfed the body damage stat upgrade by around 10% - Fixed bug that made polyps not spawn from wormholes - Fixed bug that allowed players to duplicate themselves - Fixed bug that sometimes caused extreme lag and freezing in the Crossroads and the Sanctuary - Fixed bug that made upgrade buttons not go away if the upgrade is a drone upgrade ALPHA 0.9.4 - April 18, 2022 - Added experimental mobile support - to access the game on mobile, just go to the website on your mobile device - it's experimental, so it might be laggy or buggy - upgrade buttons are moved to the top while on mobile, and stat upgrades look a bit different - you can't repel drones, and drone control is a bit clunky - there are also a few mobile-only settings - Joystick Size - default 100, min 0, max 200 - controls the size of the joysticks - Joystick Offset - default 250, min 0, max 400 - controls the joysticks' offset from the sides of the screen - Invert Joysticks - default off - when on, swaps the sides of the move and shoot joysticks - Show Drone Trajectory - default off - when on, shows your drones' target (moveable using the shoot joystick) - The leaderboard is now animated - it now also updates 8 times a second instead of 2 - it's also been optimized - Added a new celestial body upgrade: Pollux - evolves from Nebula, has one large auto cannon - Improved fallen tanks' AI - they are now better at hitting moving targets - adjusted their view range to better match normal players' - their playstyle is now better adjusted to their build - Various balancing changes - Increased polygon spawn rate - Increased chance of polygons being bigger - Slightly decreased polygon health - Nerfed all celestials' base health (7.5 => 6.5) - Nerfed Chasm's health (1.2 => 1) - Buffed Comet's health (0.4 => 0.5) - Nerfed Meteor's health (1.15 => 0.95) - Nerfed Void's body damage (3 => 2.8) - Nerfed Void's health (1.2 => 1) - Nerfed Bombard's damage (3.8 => 3.5) - Nerfed Bombard's penetration (2.3 => 2.15) - Nerfed Synope's small drones' speed (1.5 => 1.2) - Nerfed Synope's small drones' damage (2 => 1.8) - Nerfed Synope's camera size (1 => 0.9) - Nerfed Moon's camera size (1 => 0.9) - Nerfed Satellite's camera size (0.95 => 0.9) - Nerfed Moon's large drones' speed (1.3 => 1.15) - Nerfed Trapper's damage (1 => 0.65) - Buffed Corvus's health (1 => 1.45) - Buffed Corvus's healing aura's healing (1 => 1.25) - Buffed Cygnus's speed (1.2 => 1.25) - Buffed Cygnus's health (1 => 1.65) - Buffed Cygnus's healing aura's healing (1.5 => 1.75) - Buffed Naos's speed (1 => 1.1) - Buffed Naos's health (1 => 1.35) - Buffed Naos's healing aura's healing (1 => 1.25) - Buffed Mender's speed (1 => 1.1) - Buffed Mender's health (1 => 1.5) - Buffed Mender's healing aura's healing (1 => 1.25) - Buffed Remedy's speed (1 => 1.1) - Buffed Remedy's health (1 => 1.6) - Buffed Remedy's healing aura's healing (1.25 => 1.5) - Buffed Fabricator's speed (1 => 1.15) - Buffed Fabricator's health (1 => 1.8) - Buffed Fabricator's healing aura's healing (1.5 => 1.75) - Buffed Conglomerate's max drones (3 => 4) - Client sided performance improvements - Fixed bug that made spawn protection always last 5 seconds even if you didn't move or shoot - Fixed bug that made drone forget distance not scale with camera size - Fixed bug that made healing auras only work on enemies - they now only work on teammates and yourself, as they were supposed to ALPHA 0.9.3 - March 30, 2022 - Added 2 Teams gamemode - it's just like 4 teams, except there are only 2 teams - team bases are much taller and take up an entire side of the map - each base has 4 base defenders - Fixed bug that made gateways in the sanctuary and the crossroads shrink - You can now press space to shoot and shift to repel drones - both of these are customizable in settings - Right clicking no longer shoots - Nerfed radiant shapes - they now only give 7x xp instead of 10x - they now spawn less frequently in the crossroads - Various balancing changes - Killing players now gives 60% of their xp instead of 75% - The most xp you can keep after being killed by someone of a higher level than you is now 75% instead of 90% - Body damage now increases less when leveling up - Slightly nerfed the bullet damage and bullet penetration stat upgrades - Nerfed Bombard's damage (4 => 3.8) - Nerfed Bombard's penetration (2.5 => 2.3) - Nerfed Bombard's reload (4 => 4.5) - Nerfed Bombard's bullet speed (1.5 => 1.3) - Added a temporary fix for an issue that allowed players to clip outside of walls ALPHA 0.9.2 - March 24, 2022 - Long chat messages and notifications can now wrap to multiple lines - Chat message character limit increased (150 => 750) - Various balancing changes - Nerfed Nebula's large auto cannon's detection distance (35 => 30) - Nerfed Nebula's large auto cannon's bullet speed (1.5 => 1.25) - Nerfed Nebula's large auto cannon's reload (0.75 => 1) - Nerfed Galaxy's large auto cannon's detection distance (40 => 30) - Nerfed Galaxy's large auto cannon's bullet speed (1.6 => 1.25) - Nerfed Galaxy's large auto cannon's reload (0.75 => 1) - Buffed Streamliner's reload (1.1 => 1) - Buffed Streamliner's damage (0.5 => 0.65) - Buffed Streamliner's camera size (1 => 1.2) - Buffed Hangar's camera size (1 => 1.1) - Buffed Warship's camera size (1 => 1.15) - Buffed Battleship's camera size (1 => 1.2) - Buffed Mothership's camera size (1 => 1.25) - Buffed Satellite's camera size (0.9 => 0.95) - Buffed Moon's camera size (0.9 => 1) - Buffed Synope's camera size (0.9 => 1) - Buffed Disperse's camera size (1 => 1.2) - Buffed Disperse's front cannon's damage (1.5 => 1.75) - Buffed Sentry's damage (0.5 => 0.8) - Buffed Armory's damage (0.5 => 0.8) - Buffed Citadel's damage (0.5 => 0.8) - Buffed Turret's damage (0.4 => 0.8) - Buffed Triplet's damage (0.4 => 0.8) - Buffed Quadruplet's damage (0.4 => 0.8) - Buffed Bombard's damage (3.5 => 4) - Buffed Bombard's penetration (1.7 => 2.5) - Nerfed Bastion's reload (2.5 => 3) - Nerfed Debris's large trap launcher's damage (2 => 1.8) - Nerfed Debris's large trap launcher's penetration (3 => 2.5) - Nerfed Debris's small trap launcher's penetration (2 => 1.4) - Nerfed Asteroid's large trap launcher's damage (3 => 2) - Nerfed Asteroid's large trap launcher's penetration (3.5 => 3) - Nerfed Asteroid's small trap launcher's penetration (2 => 1.8) - Nerfed Assasin's bullet penetration (2.5 => 2.2) - Nerfed Assassin's bullet speed (1.5 => 1.4) - Nerfed Marksman's bullet speed (1.85 => 1.7) - Nerfed Marksman's camera size (1.75 => 1.7) - Nerfed Chasm's body damage (5 => 2) - Nerfed Chasm's health (1.4 => 1.2) - Nerfed Comet's health (0.63 => 0.4) - Nerfed Comet's body damage (3.5 => 1.7) - Nerfed Void's body damage (6.8 => 3) - Nerfed Void's health (1.55 => 1.2) - Nerfed Meteor's body damage (3 => 1.8) - Nerfed Meteor's health (1.25 => 1.15) - (Because of a bug that previously set Chasm, Comet, Void, and Meteor's body damage to 1, all of them effectively got buffed) - Spawn protection time increased (30 => 60) - Spawn protection now lasts for 5 seconds after spawning even if you move - it still lasts for 60 seconds if you don't move - Killing players now gives 75% of their xp instead of 50% - You now keep more of your xp when killed by someone of a much higher level than you - you can keep anywhere from 25-90% depending on the level difference - You are now less likely to spawn next to other players in FFA - Fixed bug that made upgrade buttons move more slowly on lower framerates - Fixed bug that made wormholes emit less particles on lower framerates - Fixed bug that made body damage reset when switching servers - Fixed bug that made an ad sometimes cover the main menu button on the death screen - Fixed some connection issues - Fixed issues with some upgrades having inconsistent stats - One of Blazar's barrels had 13 damage when the rest had 12 - One of Blazar's barrels had 2.5 reload when the rest had 3 - One of Hatcher's minions had 0.25 damage when the rest had 0.5 - Two of Scrap's barrels had 3 penetration when the rest had 2 ALPHA 0.9.1 - February 19, 2022 - Balancing changes - Nerfed Annihilator's bullet penetration (1.8 => 1.6) - Nerfed Blazar's damage (13 => 12) - Nerfed Blazar's reload (2.5 => 3) - Buffed Artillery's auto cannon detection range (20 => 25) - Buffed Bombard's auto cannon detection range (25 => 40) - Fixed bug making auto cannons have 400x the range they were supposed to - Fixed bug sometimes stopping things from dying when their health reached 0 - Fixed bug sometimes making bullets and entities invisible - Fixed bug causing collision to sometimes stop working ALPHA 0.9.0 - February 16, 2022 - XP gained by killing something is now split between everything that killed it - it's split proportionally based on how much damage each entity did to it in the last 8 seconds - xp is only given to entities that did at least 15% of the damage in that time - kill and death messages have also been changed to fit that - Drones will now despawn when they are far out of their owner's view range - Various balancing changes - Buffed Satellite - Buffed its small drone launchers' damage (0.25 => 0.5) - Buffed its drone launcher's penetration (1 => 1.5) - Buffed its max drones (20 => 22) - Buffed Moon - Buffed its small drone launchers' damage (0.25 => 0.65) - Buffed its large drone launchers' damage (2 => 2.5) - Buffed its drone launcher's penetration (1 => 1.5) - Buffed its max drones (15 => 25) - Buffed Synope - Buffed its minions' drone penetration (0.25 => 0.5) - Buffed its minions' auto cannon's damage (0.5 => 1) - Buffed its minions' auto cannon's penetration (0.25 => 0.5) - Nerfed its minions' auto cannon's reload (4 => 5) - Nerfed Artillery's auto cannon detection range (25 => 20) - Nerfed Bombard's auto cannon detection range (45 => 25) - Nerfed Chasm's speed (1.5 => 1.25) - Nerfed Comet's speed (2.5 => 1.9) - Nerfed Void's speed (1.75 => 1.55) - Buffed Artillery's speed (0.8 => 0.9) - Buffed Bombard's speed (0.75 => 0.835) - Tanks slow down less when getting larger - Buffed speed decrease on level up (0.98 => 0.983) - Buffed Celestial base speed (0.25 => 0.35) - Major server performance improvements - Collision detection should now be much faster for large amounts of bullets/traps - Auto cannon detection range now scales with bullet speed - The walls in the sanctuary are now darker - Base defenders' names are now hidden - Traps and bullets can no longer go through walls - Respawn level is now displayed after dying - Tweaked the ascending background - The Prime Celestial didn't have its aura in it previously - Fixed bug causing entities to sometimes stop taking damage - Fixed bug causing ping to increase on lower framerates - Fixed bug causing server selector to show wrong server after ascending ALPHA 0.8.13 - January 30, 2022 - Added banner ads to the main menu and death screen - ads support the game and allow it to keep updating and expanding - with ads, more servers and gamemodes can be added - if you use an ad blocker, please turn it off to support the game - Minor client performance improvements - Various balancing changes - Buffed Citadel's movement speed (0.9 => 0.95) - Nerfed Armory's health (1.5 => 1) - Nerfed Fortress - Nerfed its health (1.75 => 1.5) - Nerfed its body damage (1.5 => 1.35) - Nerfed Palace's health (4 => 3.75) - Nerfed Ziggurat's health (4.75 => 4.25) - Nerfed Spike's health (1 => 0.95) - Nerfed Thorn - Nerfed its body damage (3.5 => 3.35) - Nerfed its health (0.9 => 0.775) - Nerfed Saw - Nerfed its body damage (4 => 3.75) - Nerfed its health (0.85 => 0.75) - Nerfed Debris - Nerfed its large trap launchers' penetration (4 => 3) - Nerfed its small trap launchers' penetration (3 => 2) - Buffed its small trap launchers' damage (1 => 1.5) - Nerfed Asteroid - Nerfed its large trap launchers' penetration (5 => 3.5) - Nerfed its small trap launchers' penetration (4 => 1.5) - Buffed its small trap launchers' damage (1 => 2) - Nerfed Charon's trap penetration (3.5 => 2) - Nerfed Blockade's trap penetration (8 => 5) - Nerfed Rubble's trap penetration (3 => 2) - Nerfed Scrap's trap penetration (5 => 2) - Nerfed Shrapnel's trap penetration (2.5 => 2) - Nerfed Stockade's trap penetration (6.5 => 4.5) - Nerfed Palisade's trap penetration (5 => 3.5) - Nerfed Amalgam's trap penetration (5 => 3.5) - Nerfed Penta's side cannon damage (1.5 => 1) - Buffed Flank's bullet penetration (1 => 1.5) - Buffed Quad's bullet penetration (1 => 1.5) - Buffed Octo's bullet penetration (1 => 1.5) - Buffed Arc's bullet penetration (1 => 1.5) - Buffed Horizon's small cannons' bullet penetration (1 => 1.5) - Buffed Spread - Buffed its small cannons' damage (0.5 => 1) - Nerfed its small cannons' penetration (1 => 0.75) - Buffed Disperse - Buffed its small cannons' damage (0.5 => 1) - Nerfed its small cannons' penetration (1 => 0.75) - Fixed bug causing Heliosphere's outer aura to do 10x damage ALPHA 0.8.12 - January 22, 2022 - Fixed bug causing ascending to sometimes freeze the screen and disconnect you - Nerfed Manufacturer - Nerfed its minions' health (5 => 3) - Nerfed its minions' body damage (3 => 1.4) - Nerfed its minions' speed (1.4 => 0.9) ALPHA 0.8.11 - January 22, 2022 - Various balancing changes - Decreased Streamliner's camera size (1.2 => 1) - Nerfed Wake's trap penetration (8 => 4) - Buffed Manufacturer's reload (60 => 25) - Buffed Manufacturer's minions' health (2 => 5) - Buffed Manufacturer's minions' body damage (1 => 3) - Buffed Manufacturer's minions' bullet damage (3 => 4.5) - Nerfed Marksman's bullet penetration (2.5 => 2) - Buffed Marksman's bullet damage (4.5 => 5.5) - (Overall tiny nerf to Marksman) - Buffed Quadro's damage (0.9 => 1) - Fire auras' damage now scales with bullet penetration - they now do less damage by default, but can do more depending on your bullet penetration stat - they still scale with bullet damage and reload like before - Changed how healing auras work - instead of just healing at a set rate, they make natural regeneration kick in and heal faster - their power still scales with your health regeneration stat - they still only heal you and your teammates - most body upgrades with healing auras have been rebalanced - Fixed bug causing fallen tanks to not automatically upgrade - Fixed bug causing entities with spawn protection to not flash - Fixed some connection issues - Various bug fixes ALPHA 0.8.10 - January 17, 2022 - Major server performance improvements - Minor client performance improvements - Various balancing changes - Nerfed Debris's small trap launchers' penetration (4 => 3) - Nerfed Asteroid's small trap launchers' penetration (5 => 4) - Nerfed Asteroid's large trap launchers' penetration (6 => 5) - Nerfed Asteroid's large trap launchers' damage (4 => 3) - Nerfed Stockade's penetration (8 => 6.5) - Nerfed Palisade's penetration (8 => 5) - Nerfed Riot's penetration (5 => 3) - Nerfed Barricade's penetration (7 => 5) - Nerfed Palisade's penetration (3 => 2.5) - Nerfed Amalgam's trap launchers' penetration (8 => 5) - Buffed Conglomerate's front cannon's penetration (1 => 1.5) - Buffed Bombard's speed (0.6 => 0.75) - Buffed Artillery's speed (0.7 => 0.8) - Sniper can now evolve into Wake - Settings can now be changed in-game by pressing O - Tweaked debug mode (press m) - Server name is now shown when debug mode is on - can be turned off in settings - More performance info is shown - can be turned off in settings - The "Click to Copy IDs" setting is now off by default - Fixed bug causing the "Click to Copy IDs" setting to sometimes copy IDs more than it should - Everything in debug mode now has a setting to turn on and off - Show Class Names - default off - when on, shows entities' class names when debug mode is on - Show Tick Time - default on - when off, hides the client and server tick time in debug mode - Show Server Name - default on, - when off, hides the server name in debug mode - Show Player Count - default on - when off, hides the player count in debug mode - Show Global Player Count - default on - when off, hides the global player count in debug mode - Show FPS - default on - when off, hides the FPS in debug mode - Show Ping - default on - when off, hides the ping in debug mode - Show Position - default off - when on, shows your position in debug mode - Show Extra Performance Info - default on - when off, hides the extra performance info in debug mode - extra performance info shows number of particles, bullets, tanks, and polygons in view - Debug Mode Text Size - default 100% - min 0%, max 200% - changed the size of the text in debug mode - Improved fallen tanks' AI - They will now use auto spin while using upgrades that are the same on all sides, like Octo and Shrapnel - They will now face the right direction when trying to use recoil - Previously, they would always face backwards when trying to use recoil, which didn't work with upgrades like Wave and Wake - Now, they will face in the direction that deals the most recoil instead of always backwards - Fallen tanks can now level up - Fallen tanks will now automatically upgrade when they are a high enough level - they still can't ascend, and celestials still don't create fallen tanks - Changelog and version number now smoothly fade in after loading - Fixed bug causing mounted drone spawners to animate incorrectly ALPHA 0.8.9 - January 3, 2022 - Various balancing changes - Nerfed Executive's max drones (3 => 2) - Nerfed Executive's penetration (5.5 => 4.75) - Nerfed Castle's health (1.75 => 1.55) - Nerfed Thorn's health (1 => 0.9) - Nerfed Thorn's speed (1.3 => 1.25) - Nerfed Saw's speed (1.4 => 1.3) - Nerfed Saw's health (1 => 0.85) - Nerfed Bastion's health (2 => 1.55) - Nerfed Beta's damage (8 => 7) - Buffed Alpha's reload (13 => 10) - Nerfed Alpha's damage (10 => 8) - Nerfed Alpha's penetration (2 => 1.65) - (Overall nerf to Alpha) - Nerfed Single's reload (1.5 => 2) - Buffed Single's penetration (1 => 1.5) - (Overall buff to Single) - Nerfed Annihilator's reload (4 => 6) - Buffed Annihilator's damage (13 => 16) - Buffed Annihilator's penetration (1.5 => 1.8) - (Overall buff to Annihilator) - Nerfed Streamliner's reload (1 => 1.15) - Buffed Streamliner's damage (0.45 => 0.5) - Renamed Hybrid to Alloy - Added 2 new weapon upgrades - Compound - evolves from Alloy, Single, and Director - Hybrid - evolves from Compound, Destroyer, and Manager - Tweaked drone AI - they now prioritize entities closer to them, instead of closer to their owner - Your total score is now displayed on the HUD - Fixed bug causing some of Shrapnel's barrels to have incorrect stats - Fixed bug causing wormholes to sometimes not show on the minimap - Various minor bug fixes ALPHA 0.8.8 - December 26, 2021 - Wormholes now last longer before collapsing - Various balancing changes - Buffed Trapper's damage (0.5 => 1) - Buffed Gamma's damage (0.75 => 4) - Nerfed Gamma's penetration (12 => 2.5) - Buffed Beta's damage (0.85 => 8) - Nerfed Beta's penetration (15 => 1.8) - Buffed Alpha's damage (0.9 => 10) - Nerfed Alpha's penetration (20 => 2) - Nerfed Executive's damage (6 => 5) - Nerfed Executive's penetration (6 => 5) - Nerfed Saw's body damage (4.5 => 4) - Buffed Comet's health (0.55 => 0.63) - Nerfed Void's health (1.75 => 1.25) - Wormholes now show on the minimap - Client sided performance improvements - Renamed the "Auto Cannons" toggle to "Passive Mode" - when on, stops auto cannons from attacking and minions from shooting like before - also now stops drones from automatically targeting - keybind is still V, but can be changed in settings - Radiant polygons are now twice as common but drop 5x less xp - Added a new setting: Click to Copy IDs in Debug Mode - default on - when on, clicking on an entity while in debug mode will copy its ID to your clipboard - Tweaked kill notifications - Celestial death messages are no longer announced to all players - Fixed bug causing objects to move the wrong direction when lagging ALPHA 0.8.7 - December 21, 2021 - Polyps no longer push celestials - Renamed some larger polygons to be more consistent - Keybinds are now customizable in the settings menu - Default Keybinds: - Enter: ENTER - Open Command: SLASH - Open Chat: ENTER - Move Up in Chat History: UP ARROW - Move Down in Chat History: DOWN ARROW - Move Up: W - Move Down: S - Move Left: A - Move Right: D - Move Up (Alternate): UP ARROW - Move Down (Alternate): DOWN ARROW - Move Left (Alternate): LEFT ARROW - Move Right (Alternate): RIGHT ARROW - Toggle Auto Fire: E - Toggle Auto Spin: C - Toggle Spin Lock: X - Toggle Auto Cannons: V - Toggle Debug Mode: M - Toggle Screenshot Mode: P - Open Weapon Upgrade Tree: Y - Open Body Upgrade Tree: U - Various balancing changes - Nerfed Charon's trap damage (10 => 8) - Nerfed Comet's health (0.75 => 0.55) - Buffed Blazar's bullet damage (10 => 13) - Buffed Blazar's bullet penetration (1 => 1.5) - Buffed Penta's reload (1.5 => 1) - Buffed Penta's bullet damage (1 => 1.5) - Buffed Disperse's front cannon damage (1 => 1.5) - Buffed Disperse's front cannon penetration (1 => 2) - Buffed Spread's front cannon penetration (1 => 1.5) - Buffed Split's front cannon penetration (1 => 1.5) - Nerfed Executive's reload (13 => 15) - Fixed bug causing wormholes to multiply - there should've only been a maximum of 4 per server, sometimes there were up to a hundred - Fixed bug causing the upgrade buttons to not render layers correctly ALPHA 0.8.6 - December 10, 2021 - Various balancing changes - Faster bullets now penetrate the same as slower ones - Nerfed Wave's front cannon's bullet penetration (3 => 2) - Nerfed Bastion's body damage multiplier (2.5 => 2) - Nerfed Bastion's health multiplier (3.5 => 2) - Nerfed Castle's health multiplier (3 => 1.75) - Nerfed Castle's body damage multiplier (2.2 => 1.75) - Nerfed all traps' bullet penetration (6.75 => 5.5) - Nerfed Riot's bullet penetration (6 => 5) - Buffed all celestial trap launchers - Buffed all non-celestial drone spawners (including body upgrades) - Particles are now rendered in front of auras - Server-Sided performance improvements - Fixed bug causing Guard to upgrade to Wave instead of Wake - this allowed players to get a level 45 upgrade at level 30 - Fixed memory leak ALPHA 0.8.5 - November 23, 2021 - Fixed bug causing servers to sometimes freeze when someone ascends - Increased body push/knockback (0.05 => 0.065) - Bigger objects can now be pushed less - Bullets, Drones, and Traps now flash when damaged - Added 2 new weapon upgrades - Wake - evolves from Flank and Guard - has a trap launcher on the back, 2 weak cannons on the back that deal recoil, and one smaller cannon on the front that shoots faster, stronger shots - Wave - evolves from Wake and Barricade - has two trap launchers on the back, 2 weak cannons on the back, and one stronger cannon on the front - Added a new celestial weapon upgrade - Charon - evolves from Debris - 3 large trap launchers with high damage - Added a new celestial body upgrade - Comet - evolves from Chasm - Less health and body damage, but very fast - Fixed bug causing body and bullet damage to be inaccurate - before this, a level 1 and a level 2 smasher would both die when ramming - also fixes bullets not properly damaging each other, which made larger bullets and drones weaker than they should have been - Many body upgrade nerfs - Nerfed Wall's health multiplier (3.5 => 1.75) - Nerfed Wall's speed multiplier (1 => 0.95) - Nerfed Citadel's health multiplier (3.5 => 1.75) - Nerfed Fortress's health multiplier (3.5 => 1.75) - Nerfed Stronghold's health multiplier (5 => 2.45) - Nerfed Stronghold's speed multiplier (1 => 0.92) - Nerfed Castle's health multiplier (4.5 => 3) - Nerfed Castle's body damage multiplier (2.5 => 2.2) - Nerfed Palace's health multiplier (6.5 => 4) - Nerfed Palace's speed multiplier (1 => 0.9) - Nerfed Bastion's health multiplier (5 => 3.5) - Nerfed Bastion's body damage multiplier (3 => 2.5) - Nerfed Bastion's speed multiplier (0.9 => 0.875) - Nerfed Ziggurat's health multiplier (7 => 4.75) - Nerfed Ziggurat's speed multiplier (1 => 0.85) - Nerfed Meteor's body damage multiplier (5 => 3) - Nerfed Meteor's health multiplier (3.5 => 1.25) - Nerfed Chasm's health multiplier (3.5 => 1.4) - Nerfed Void's health multiplier (3.5 => 1.75) ALPHA 0.8.4 - November 22, 2021 - Player count is now displayed on the server list - Player count is now displayed in Debug Mode (Press M) - Modified the animation of some menu elements - Score above 25m is now kept when ascending - Nerfed celestials' damage multiplier (2 => 1.5) ALPHA 0.8.3 - November 17, 2021 - Fixed bug causing wormholes not to spawn ALPHA 0.8.2 - November 16, 2021 - Client and Server performance optimizations - Added a new setting: Static Camera - default off - when on, the camera will always be locked to your position, instead of smoothly moving towards it - this does not affect camera shake, disable that by setting the setting "Camera Shake" to 0% - Added a new command: /renderentity - renders an entity to a .png file - usable by anyone - syntax: /renderentity [target] [override rotation] [override team] - target - use "me" to do it to yourself, or use the ID of another entity (works on polygons) - can only work on one entity at a time, you can't do /renderentity all - override rotation - rotation (in degrees) to render the entity facing - if not set, uses the rotation of the entity - override team - team color to render the entity in - if not set, uses the team color of the entity - team colors - -1 - fallen color (light grey) - 2 - celestial color (pink) - 3 - barrel color (grey) - 4 - yellow - 5 - white - 6 - black - 7 - outer color (dark grey) - 10 - blue - 11 - red - 12 - green - 13 - purple - any invalid color will default to blue - example: /renderentity me 45 5 - renders an image of a white tank with your upgrades, facing 45 degrees, and saves it as a .png file - Added a new celestial body upgrade: Meteor - upgrades from Chasm and Exosphere - has fire auras, extra body damage, speed, and health - Camera now moves faster - Auto Cannons, Drones, and Fallen Tanks will no longer target entities inside of bases - does not affect polygons - Improved the aim of Auto Cannons - they can now hit moving targets more accurately - Bullets are now no longer pushed when they hit an entity - now they just go through it - does not affect traps and drones - Tweaked the look of the full changelog - text is bigger - area is wider - version names are now bigger and bold - Nerfed Riot's bullet penetration (8 => 6) - Nerfed Barricade's bullet penetration (8 => 7) - Fixed bug causing polyps to trap celestials in a corner of the sanctuary - they will not stop following a target after around 30 seconds - Fixed bug causing the disconnect popup to show when you are still connected - Fixed bug causing normal tanks to be able to enter the sanctuary without turning into a celestial - Fixed bug causing players at exactly the xp to level up to not level up - a player at exactly 100/100 xp would not level up before - Base defenders are now level 210 instead of 300 - purely visual - the prime celestial is level 225 ALPHA 0.8.1 - November 6, 2021 - Server side performance optimizations - You are now fully invincible inside of your team base - Slightly nerfed celestials' base damage and health - Nerfed Chasm and Void's movement speed increase - Fixed bug causing celestials to not spawn with xp after dying - Nerfed Base Defenders' drone range (0.3 => 0.25) - Buffed Base Defenders' drone damage (70 => 200) - Buffed Base Defenders' drone penetration (4 => 80) - Buffed team bases' damage - Various bug fixes ALPHA 0.8.0 - November 1, 2021 - Completely changed the celestial/ascending system - Completely rebalanced celestial's stats - they are now a bit stronger and faster, but level up more slowly - upgrades have been balanced too - added 1 new celestial body upgrade - Cygnus - Added wormholes - they spawn in the polygon nest, and sometimes bring something with them when they spawn - after a little while, they ascend whatever is in them, turning players into celestials - they can only hold level 60 or above players - There is no longer an "ASCEND" button at level 60, instead you need to go into a wormhole to ascend - Expect to see more updates to the sanctuary/celestials in the future - Server and Client sided performance optimizations - Entity landing effects now create a slight camera shake - Added FPS (frames per second) counter to debug mode (Press M) - turns yellow when below 50, and red when below 15 - Renamed Blazer to Blockade - its name was too similar to Blazar, an unrelated celestial upgrade - Added 2 new settings - Clickable Links - default on - when off, links in chat are no longer blue and cannot be clicked - IDs in Debug Mode - default off - when on, entity IDs will be shown in debug mode, like it was before this update - Chat messages / notifications now have less round borders and smoothly move in/out - Bigger shapes now deal less body damage than smaller ones, instead of more - (1.1x => 0.9x) - Nerfed body damage stat upgrade - Nerfed team base damage (0.5 => 0.125) - Slightly tweaked the look of Synope's drones - Riot & Barricade's barrels now look more consistent - Nerfed all traps' bullet penetration (8 => 6.75) - Nerfed Scrap, Rubble, and Shrapnel's bullet penetration (5 => 3) - Buffed base bullet speed (300 => 400) - Bullets can now go outside of the map border - purely visual - Buffed base defenders' drone range (0.3 => 0.6) - Fixed bug causing bullet/entity fade out to slow down on lower framerates - Fixed bug causing particles to move more slowly on lower framerates - Fixed security issue with names on the death screen containing valid HTML ALPHA 0.7.5 - October 19, 2021 - Server and Client sided performance optimizations - Added a new weapon upgrade - Manufacturer - evolves from Factory, Manager, and Destroyer - summons large drones that have 1 large barrel - Tank tree now shows starting upgrades - Upgrades on the tank tree are now greyed out if you aren't using that upgrade and can't upgrade to it - Buffed Annihilator's damage (10 => 13) - Buffed Destroyer's damage (7.5 => 9) - Base defenders now have player spawns that players spawn out of - Base defenders are now level 300 instead of 150 - this is only a visual difference, no stats are changed other than the ones mentioned in this changelog - Base defenders will now turn to face players in the base if they aren't attacking - Fixed bug causing base defenders' decreased drone range to not work - this fix decreases base defenders' drone range (1 => 0.3) - Nerfed base defenders' base drone damage (100 => 70) - Auto cannons will now slowly rotate on the upgrade buttons - Added a Render Delay setting - min 0ms, max 200ms - default 100ms - slightly increases input delay but makes the game look smoother - Settings with sliders now show the value next to the name - Fixed bug causing body drone generators to only render facing forward on the leaderboard - Fixed bug causing main menu background to flash quickly after dying - Fixed bug causing chat message/notification/particle fade out effect to slow down on lower framerates ALPHA 0.7.4 - October 16, 2021 - Added a viewable tank tree (Hold Y or U) - Weapon tank tree (Hold Y) - Body tank tree (Hold U) - Shows all upgrades - Added Executive - evolves from manager at level 45 - has one large drone gun, with slow reload but high damage and penetration - Buffed Director and Manager's bullet damage and penetration - Buffed all normal drones' penetration by 1.3x - affects Commander, Overseer, Overlord, Emperor, Hybrid, Fusion, Conglomerate, and Amalgam - Added a few settings - Show names - default on - when off, hides names from players, leaderboard, and death screen - does not yet work with kill notifications - Show chat - default on - when off, hides chat messages sent by other players and removes the chat box - Show minimap - default on - when off, hides the minimap - Show particles - default on - when off, hides all particles - slightly improves performance, but some things will look worse - Show own name - default off - when on, shows your own name above you - HUD opacity - default 100% - changes the opacity of the HUD - Chat messages of unnamed players are now rendered lower - The "-" in between players' names and scores on the leaderboard is now hidden if the player is unnamed - Leaderboard can now show up to 8 players - it scales in size if it has less than 8 players - Changed the look of modals - Affects the submit feedback, report bugs, and disconnect modals - There is now a warning if you try to close the tab mid-game - Tweaked the look of upgrade buttons - Nerfed recoil (150 => 100) - Greatly nerfed base guardians' drone damage - Greatly buffed base guardians' drone health - Nerfed base guardians' drone range (0.2 => 0.15) - Full changelog button now opens into a modal instead of an external .txt file - Client-sided performance optimizations ALPHA 0.7.3 - October 6, 2021 - Fixed bug causing health bars to render in the wrong colors - Added a limit of 3 connections per IP address ALPHA 0.7.2 - October 6, 2021 - Server + Client stability improvements - Health bars of darker entities are now rendered brighter - This used to be in the game but stopped working due to a bug - Nerfed Industry's damage by 2x - it was supposed to be this weak initially - Added Screenshot Mode - enable it by pressing P - Hides all HUD elements - names, buttons, health bars, chat, etc - Nerfed smasher branch - Fixed bug causing tank rotation to be inaccurate - Fixed bug causing barrel delay to not update when upgrading - fixes "bullet stack" ALPHA 0.7.1 - October 3, 2021 - Nerfed base defender drone range (0.5 => 0.2) - Added /rendertank command - renders a tank as a png file (512x512) - syntax /rendertank [rotation] [team] [size] - usable by anyone - example: /rendertank mono smasher - renders a 512x512 png image of a blue Mono-Smasher facing upwards - other example: /rendertank pulsar chasm 45 -1 50 - renders a Pulsar-Chasm rotated 45 degrees on team -1 (grey) and at size 50 - celestials' default size is 100, for others, it's 50 - team colors - -1 - fallen color (grey) - 2 - celestial color (pink) - 4 - yellow - 10 - blue - 11 - red - 12 - green - 13 - purple - any invalid color will default to red - Slightly changed the look of buttons on the main menu screen - Server-Sided stability improvements - Added 1 new weapon: Streamliner - upgrades from Gunner and Trio at level 45 - has 6 weak cannons stacked on top of each other - cannons have 1.2x bullet speed - has 1.2x view range - Overlord can now evolve into Hatcher - Trio can now evolve into Industry ALPHA 0.7.0 - October 2, 2021 - Added 4 new factory weapons - Factory - evolves from Manager and Overseer at level 30 - 1 spawner - 5 max drones - its drones are small tanks with 1 cannon - they will shoot at and attack nearby enemies + shapes - disable their shooting by turning off auto cannons (V) - Industry - evolves from Factory at level 45 - 2 spawners - 4 max drones - drones have two guns instead of 1 - the 2 spawners are just to tell them apart, it still generates drones at the same speed as a Factory - Hatcher - evolves from Factory at level 45 - 3 spawners - 12 max drones - drones are smaller and weaker, but generate faster - Synope - celestial upgrade, evolves from Satellite at level 90 - 3 large spawners - 6 max drones - drones have a turret and 3 drone guns - drones have 3 max drones - Redid how bullets/body damage works - Bullet Lifetime stat is now Bullet Penetration - Works as the bullet's health - Some classes now have increased bullet penetration - all trappers, all snipers, Destroyer, Annihilator, Artillery, and Bombard - Still increases max drones - Body damage now works faster - Drone guns no longer deal recoil - Body & weapon drone limits are now separate - Polygons will now despawn if they are above 99% hp for 15 minutes - This will help with large polygon buildup - The polygon nest is now 1/4 of the map size - Polygons spawning in the nest will now avoid spawning on players - Client-sided performance optimizations - Fixed bug causing the death screen to crash the game - Fixed bug causing debug mode's server tick time to show 0 - the last fix didn't work - Fixed bug causing defenders not to spawn in team mode ALPHA 0.6.7 - September 29, 2021 - Fixed bug causing things to flicker - Fixed bug causing debug mode's server tick time to show 0 ALPHA 0.6.6 - September 29, 2021 - More major server stability + performance improvements - Major client stability improvements - Traps are no longer affected by the world border - Increased trap launch distance by 50% - Increased trap base lifetime by 33% - Nerfed Artillery's movement speed (0.8 => 0.7) - Nerfed Bombard's movement speed (0.7 => 0.6) - Wall's evolutions no longer decrease movement speed - Text in debug mode now turns yellow when close to being at an "unstable" value - 250 for ping - 8 for server tick time - 5 for client tick time - Fixed bug causing tanks on the main menu to be rendered incorrectly ALPHA 0.6.5 - September 26, 2021 - Selected server now saves on page reload - Server stability improvements + performance optimizations - Slightly increased fallen tanks' detection range - Auto Turrets will now switch targets more often - Fixed? bug causing chromebooks to not be able to connect ALPHA 0.6.4 - September 26, 2021 - Added server selector to main menu - There will be more servers in the future - Fixed bug causing ping to rapidly increase when the server is overloaded - instead, the server will slow down a little, much better than a high input delay - Client and Server performance optimizations - Numbers in debug mode are now no longer smoothed - Added a link to the game's discord server to the main menu - Polygon size limit decreased (1/5 => 1/8) - Polygon spawnrate decreased (15 => 10) ALPHA 0.6.3 - September 21, 2021 - Celestials now get spawn protection when landing - Celestials will now always land in the center of map, preventing them from spawning near a team base and dying instantly - Fixed bug causing stats to not update correctly when ascending - Added a "Connecting..." message while connecting to the server ALPHA 0.6.2 - September 19, 2021 - Added 4 teams gamemode, currently only available on the test server ( until the game gets more players - each team has a base in the corner of the map, players spawn in their base - each team has a defender that attacks anyone near - bullets and tanks take damage entering another team's base - Larger shapes now spawn near the middle of the map - Greatly nerfed health and xp of large shapes - Added a minimap - Entities now flash white when taking damage - Tanks on the main menu now have different colors ALPHA 0.6.1 - September 16, 2021 - Nerfed Bombard's damage (5 => 3.5) - Nerfed Artillery's damage (3 => 2) - Nerfed Bombard's bullet speed (2 => 1.5) - Nerfed Artillery's bullet speed (1.5 => 1.3) - Fixed bug causing death screen to show barrels mid shoot ALPHA 0.6.0 - September 16, 2021 - Your tank is now displayed on the death screen - Death screen now fades in - You can now disable your auto cannons by pressing V - This does not include drones - Added particles when tanks spawn - Links sent in chat now render correctly and are clickable - Client-Sided performance optimizations - Added 2 new chat commands usable by everyone - keep in mind, you can't use usernames in commands, you need to get their ID by turning on debug mode (M) - you can also use "tanks", "shapes", "players", "all", instead of an ID to target entities for commands - /getkills - shows the number of kills an entity has - there are also other get commands that have been in the game for a while but unmentioned in the changelog - /getscore, /getsize, etc - /count - counts the number of targeted entities - for example, "/count players" would show the number of players - Auto Fire, Auto Spin, and Spin Lock are now turned off automatically when dying - Added a limit of 4 chat messages that can render per player at once - this also applies to notifications, and will help prevent spam - Chat character limit is now 150 again - this is how it was before last update, 50 was supposed to be for the username limit instead - Tweaked the look of the Fortress - Fixed bug causing errors to be spammed in the console on death/respawn - Fixed bug causing fallen tanks using drones to not attack - Fixed bug causing turning off auto fire to sometimes not work - Fixed bug causing the rotation animation of auto cannons on the leaderboard to be choppy - Fixed bug causing stat upgrades to not get reset on ascending ALPHA 0.5.6 - September 14, 2021 - Fallen tanks can now choose a rammer playstyle if they are using a rammer build - This will help against fallen spam, as unarmed fallens will ram each other - Fixed bug causing large shapes to disappear at the edge of the screen - Particles emitted by auras / radiant shapes now slowly drift - The sanctuary now has ambient particles - Celestial base damage buffed (1.5 => 2.5) - Chat messages are now capped at 50 characters - Increased camera size (2000 => 2300) ALPHA 0.5.5 - September 11, 2021 - Health bars of dark shapes are now white instead of the background being white - 6 new trap weapons - Rubble - t2 upgrade with 4 small trap guns - Scrap - t3 upgrade with 6 small trap guns - Shrapnel - t4 upgrade with 8 small trap guns - Alpha - t4 upgrade with one large trap gun - Stockade - t3 upgrade with 3 evenly spaced trap guns - Palisade - t4 upgrade with 4 evenly spaced trap guns - Octo's barrels now don't all shoot at the same time - Renamed Alpha to Gamma - Renamed Minelayer to Beta - Buffed Gamma and Beta's trap damage and size - Quadrupled the rarity of radiant shapes - 2048 => 8192 - Bullets now deal knockback - scales with bullet size/speed - Added a link to the game's subreddit to the main menu - Fixed bug causing tanks on the leaderboard to render incorrectly ALPHA 0.5.4 - September 8, 2021 - Tanks now show on the leaderboard - Fixed bug causing drone repelling to not work with auto fire on - Fixed bug causing toggling auto fire to stop movement - Fixed bug causing auto cannons', drones', and fallen tanks' aiming to get messed up on large shapes - Many balance changes - Buffed celestial's max health multiplier (4 => 7.5) - Buffed Horizons's small cannons' damage (0.6 => 0.75) - Buffed Bombard's damage (4 => 5) - Nerfed Bombard's reload (3 => 4) - Nerfed Artillery's damage (4 => 2.5) - Nerfed Assassin's reload (1.6 => 2) - Nerfed Marksman's reload (2.5 => 3) - Nerfed Marksman's camera size (2 => 1.85) - Nerfed Assassin's camera size (1.6 => 1.5) - Nerfed Sniper's camera size (1.3 => 1.2) ALPHA 0.5.3 - September 7, 2021 - Normal tanks can now see the names of celestials - You can now use the arrow keys to move - Camera on the death screen now follows whatever kills you - Added a particle cap to prevent lag (200) - Drones, auto cannons, and fallen tanks will now properly target big shapes - Edges are now rounded - Slightly increased edge darkness - Changed the game's icon to fit the darker edges and rounded corners - Added a few new tanks to the main menu background - Slightly nerfed Marksman's reload speed - Client and server-sided optimizations - Fixed bug causing particles to flood the main menu - Fixed bug causing radiant shapes to flicker when the game is lagging - The full changelog button now opens in a new tab to avoid people losing progress ALPHA 0.5.2 - September 6, 2021 - Added radiant shapes - very rare shapes that give a lot of xp - Radiant shapes change color over time and give off particles - 1 / 2048 chance of a shape being radiant - Give 50x their normal xp - Hearth + Mender and their evolutions now emit particles - Increased the size of the saw's outer square - Purely visual - Auto spin should now work with the game not in focus - Increased base max health - Slightly nerfed celestial's view range - Nerfed Moon - Slightly nerfed Satellite - Fixed bug causing fallen tanks to not show multiple layers - Server-sided performance optimizations ALPHA 0.5.1 - September 5, 2021 - Tier 2 celestials - 4 body upgrades - Galaxy - 6 small auto cannons and 1 large auto cannon - Heliosphere - 5 damaging auras - Naos - 1 healing aura and 4 auto cannons - Void - More health, body damage, and speed - 4 weapon upgrades - Asteroid - 3 large trap guns and 6 small trap guns - Blazar - 3 large cannons - Quasar - 9 cannons - Moon - 3 large drone guns and 6 small drone guns - Tweaked the look of the Chasm - Renamed Exosphere to Debris - Renamed Heliosphere to Exosphere - Barrel animations are now smooth - Major Server-sided performance optimizations - Greatly optimized collision detection - Server should be able to handle 10-20x more bullets and shapes than before - Server now runs at 30 ticks per second instead of 60 - Celestial health multiplier nerfed (15 => 4) - Fixed bug causing players to not spawn away from each other - Increased map size (1250 => 1500) - Polygon limit increased (750 => 1500) - Health bars on entities are now only shown at 99% health and below - Fixed bug causing upgrading reload to not work as it should ALPHA 0.5.0 - September 4, 2021 - 7 new body upgrades - Hearth - t1 upgrade, small damaging aura - Bonfire - t2 upgrade, medium damaging aura - Flare - t3 upgrade, large damaging aura - Inferno - t4 upgrade, larger damaging aura - Mender - t2 upgrade, small healing aura - Remedy - t3 upgrade, medium healing aura - Fabricator - t4 upgrade, large healing aura - 2 new celestial body upgrades - Heliosphere - larger damaging aura with 3 smaller ones inside - Corvus - large healing aura - Body and weapon upgrade points are no longer separate, meaning you can spend your points however you like - they have more value than before to make up for it - Nerfed speed of smasher classes - Players will now spawn farther from other players - Changed the positioning of the Warship branch's drone generators - Upgrade buttons are now rounded - Health bar movement is now smoothed ALPHA 0.4.7 - September 2, 2021 - Fixed bug causing mouse buttons to get stuck - Fixed bug causing thorn being able to upgrade into itself - Fixed bug causing aiming to not work on smaller screens - Celestials and normal tanks can now talk to each other ALPHA 0.4.6 - September 1, 2021 - Heavy server-sided performance optimizations - Turning on auto-fire now makes drones target the mouse - Barrel rotation is now updated when camera moves - Max polygon size is now capped to 1/4 of the map size - Fixed bug causing tanks to not show health bar on death screen - Slightly nerfed body damage ALPHA 0.4.5 - August 30, 2021 - Clicking buttons no longer shoots - Added spawn protection when you spawn, lasts for 30 seconds or until you move or shoot - Entity push is now scaled based on size - it is easier to push a small shape than a large one - Celestials now show on leaderboard - Celestial base speed increased (0.15 => 0.25) - Fixed bug causing leaderboard / score bars to overfill - Buffed Sniper/Single tanks ALPHA 0.4.4 - August 29, 2021 - Redesigned the leaderboard and chat - UI size will now scale with screen size - Auto turrets and fallen tanks can now see larger entities better - Names & Health bars are now rendered above everything else - Fixed bug causing auto turrets to not passively spin if they haven't shot before - Fixed bug causing high level players to be unable to upgrade ALPHA 0.4.3 - August 29, 2021 - Revamped most body upgrades, and added 6 new ones - most have had stat/visual changes to look better and be more balanced - 6 new bodies - Palace - t3 upgrade - high health - Ziggurat - t3 upgrade - very high health - Saw - t4 upgrade - very high body damage - Quadruplet - t4 upgrade - 4 small auto cannons - Bombard - t4 upgrade - 1 high power & range auto cannon - Bastion - t4 upgrade - high health, body damage, and an auto cannon - Bullets are now rendered in front of entities - 3 new sniper weapons branching off of Mono - Sniper - t2 upgrade - 1 long, slow weapon with slightly increased view - Assassin - t3 upgrade - 1 longer, slower weapon with increased view - Marksman - t4 upgrade - 1 even longer, even slower weapon with greatly increased view - Camera size change is now smooth - Upgrade screen now shows 3 upgrades per row, instead of 2 - Movement will now stop when you deselect the game - This will stop you from moving when you aren't pressing anything - Fallen tanks will now be afraid of tanks much larger than them - Fallen tanks will now try not to accidentally ram entities and take body damage - Fallen tanks with sniper classes will now shoot targets from a distance ALPHA 0.4.2 - August 28, 2021 - Entities and Bullets now fade out when destroyed, instead of instantly disappearing - Auto cannons now slowly turn when not in use - There is now an ignore button on upgrades - Ignored upgrades come back when you level up - You can't ignore upgrades in the sanctuary, or else you would be trapped - Your size & score bar now scale smoothly - When selecting an upgrade, the button smoothly slides off screen instead of instantly disappearing - Auto cannons now rotate smoothly - Celestial upgrades are now drawn larger than other ones - Added a few hints that show up at the top of your screen to show how to play - The sanctuary (Celestial's home) is now 2x larger - Celestials can no longer see names on the leaderboard - Nerfed celestials' start XP nerfed (25m => 20m) - Buffed celestials' base damage (1 => 2) - Buffed celestials' base body damage (1 => 1.5) - Buffed celestials' base hp (8 => 15) - Buffed Pulsar - base bullet damage (1 => 1.5) - base reload (1 => 0.75) - 2x dps overall ALPHA 0.4.1 - August 27, 2021 - Celestials now start with 25m xp instead of 0 - Greatly nerfed celestials' base damage & body damage (4 => 1) - Greatly buffed celestials' base movement speed (0.1 => 0.15) - Buffed Quadro's base damage (0.75 => 0.9) ALPHA 0.4.0 - August 26, 2021 - Added celestials - large boss tanks that occasionally launch from their home in another dimension - There are currently only 2 celestial bodies and 3 celestial weapons - They broadcast spawn/death messages to all players - Bodies: - Chasm - faster body with increased health and body damage - Nebula - body with 4 auto cannons - Weapons: - Pulsar - 6 normal cannons - Exosphere - 3 large trap guns, 6 small trap guns - Satellite - 3 large drone drone, 6 small drone guns, 20 max drones - Added a new system for when players reach level 60 - Polygons now despawn after not being damaged for a while (10 minutes) - this will help stop large polygons from building up over time and clogging the map - Auto cannon detection range no longer scales with entity size - this will help with auto cannons sniping new players from out of their view - Auto spin speed decreased (0.03 => 0.02) - Health & Damage increase on level up decreased (2% => 1%) - Bullet speed & bullet lifetime stats decreased - Barrels now render above outer barrels again - Drone acceleration slightly increased (0.07 => 0.08) - 3 new weapons - Disperse - t4 upgrade, 10 small cannons and 1 normal cannon - Horizon - t4 upgrade, 6 small cannons and 3 normal cannons - Penta - t4 upgrade, 5 normal cannons - Nerfed spread's reload speed (1s => 1.5s) - Increased camera size (1500 => 2000) - Nerfed recoil (280 => 200) - Increased chance of polygons being bigger (2.5 => 2.3) - Keybinds now work with caps lock on ALPHA 0.3.6 - August 24, 2021 - Name character cap (50) actually works - Upgrading classes while shooting now correctly orders bullets - Slightly decreased the size of the sentry's cannon - this also affects the sentry's upgrades that use the same cannon - Buffed the smasher and its upgrades - Buffed the wall and its upgrades - Increased recoil (180 => 280) - Increased how much the body damage stat increases your body damage - The name of your class is now displayed under your name - Names are weapon-body, so for example, a player using Mono and Smasher would be called a "Mono-Smasher" - Fallen tank's names are now "Fallen" and then the class name of the fallen tank - Debug mode screen now looks better - now shows client mspt, also smoothes out numbers - numbers turn red when above an "unstable" threshold - for ping, it's 500 - for client/server mspt, it's 16 - Fixed a bug causing some bodies (Castle, Armory, Citadel) to not show auto barrels ALPHA 0.3.5 - August 24, 2021 - Base map size slightly increased (1000 => 1250) - Decreased polygon spawn rate (20 => 15) - Added a hard limit to polygon count to prevent lag - Currently 750 ALPHA 0.3.4 - August 23, 2021 - Map border now increases slowly, instead of instantly like it was before - Map border now looks a bit different - Map grid size decreased (50 => 30) - Slightly increased player damage - Increased player health - Decreased trapper fire rate - New weapon: Amalgam - t4 upgrade, upgrades from Conglomerate - 1 more cannon, 1 more trap gun, and 3 more max drones - The text on the game over screen and main menu buttons can no longer be highlighted ALPHA 0.3.3 - August 22, 2021 - Greatly nerfed traps - Barricade is now a t3 upgrade, upgrades from Blazer - Riot is now a t4 upgrade - Various performance improvements - Drones and traps no longer stutter when near a wall - Decreased polygon spawn rate (25 => 20) - Decreased base map size (1500 => 1000) ALPHA 0.3.2 - August 22, 2021 - Added traps - slow, long-lasting bullets - 10 new weapons - Trapper - t1 upgrade - 1 trap gun - Alpha - t2 upgrade - 1 large trap gun - Barricade - t2 upgrade - 2 stacked trap guns - Blazer - t2 upgrade - 2 opposite sided trap guns - Fusion - t2 upgrade - 1 trap gun and 1 drone generator - Guard - t2 upgrade - 1 trap gun and 1 normal barrel - Conglomerate - t3 upgrade - 1 trap gun, 1 normal barrel, and 2 drone generators - Minelayer - t3 upgrade - 1 larger trap gun - Riot - t3 upgrade - 3 stacked trap guns - Minigun - t4 upgrade - 6 small normal barrels - Bullets can now hit each other, meaning you can block enemy fire by shooting (or traps) - Drones (and traps) now push off of each other, meaning you can no longer stack drones - Body drone generators now play an animation when shooting ALPHA 0.3.1 - August 22, 2021 - Added drones - controllable bullets - Control drones by holding left click, repel them with right click - when not pressing anything, they will hunt down targets - 4 new drone bodies - Hangar - t1 upgrade - 1 drone generator - Warship - t2 upgrade - 2 drone generators - Battleship - t3 upgrade - 3 drone generators - Mothership - t4 upgrade - 4 drone generators - 7 new drone weapons - Commander - t1 upgrade - 1 drone generator - Director - t2 upgrade - 1 large drone generator - Hybrid - t2 upgrade - 1 drone generator and 1 normal barrel - Overseer - t2 upgrade - 2 drone generators - Manager - t3 upgrade - 1 larger drone generator - Overlord - t3 upgrade - 3 drone generators - Emperor - t4 upgrade - 4 drone generators - Rotation interpolation now works better, meaning client-sided rotation should look better - this also affects fallen tank AI - Outer bodies now render above barrels ALPHA 0.3.0 - August 21, 2021 - Remade the main menu and death screen - New buttons on the main menu to report bugs and submit feedback - feel free to submit any suggestions - Death screen now lets you spectate the area in which you were killed in - you can't see chat messages while you are spectating - There is now a max username length, 50 characters - Leaderboard now shows kills - Death screen now shows time alive and kills ALPHA 0.2.5 - August 20, 2021 - New body: Triplet - t3 upgrade - 3 auto guns - Evolves from turret - 2 new weapons: Gunner: t3 upgrade, 4 small guns, evolves from duo and split Quadro: t4 upgrade, 4 larger guns, evolves from gunner and trio - Main menu screen now has a background - Admin commands are now restricted to admins only ALPHA 0.2.4 - August 18, 2021 - Debug mode - enable by pressing M - shows ping and entity IDs, more functions to it will come if needed - Fallen tanks will no longer target low level players unless attacked - Greatly improved Fallen tanks' AI - Fallen tanks will now attack each other - Movement speed is now normalized - which means moving diagonally doesn't double your speed - Added an icon to the website ALPHA 0.2.3 - August 17, 2021 - Map size now dynamically grows/shrinks depending on player count - shape count also dynamically increases to keep the name amount of shapes per area as before - When a player leaves the game, instead of their tank getting instantly deleted, it becomes "fallen" - Fallen tanks are gray and attack on their own, attacking and following nearby shapes and players - this will definitely need balancing in the future ALPHA 0.2.2 - August 17, 2021 - Added Thorn, a new t3 body upgrade - upgrades from spike, has more health and body damage - Various stat changes - You now keep 25% of your score when you respawn - Pressing the up and down arrows in chat now allows you to resend your past send messages / commands - Fixed strange bug causing people who had the same upgrades to share weapons - bug allowed people to shoot 2x as fast, but only when the other person was not shooting - bugged cannons also played a shoot animation if the other person shot ALPHA 0.2.1 - August 17, 2021 - Added 9 new body upgrades! - Sentry - t1 body with an auto cannon - Armory - t2 body with increased body damage an auto cannon - Citadel - t2 body with increased health and an auto cannon - Fortress - t2 body with increased body damage and health - Spike - t2 body with greatly increased body damage - Stronghold - t2 body with greatly increased health - Turret - t2 body with two auto cannons - Artillery - t3 body with one big auto cannon - Castle - t3 body with increased body damage and health, and also has a auto cannon - Removed Hex and replaced it with Octo - Octo is now t4 instead of t5 - Arc is now t3 instead of t4 - Various balancing / stat changes ALPHA 0.2.0 - August 16, 2021 - Added class upgrades! - There are only 13 weapon upgrades and 2 body upgrades currently, but more are coming soon! - There are upgrades every 15 levels, starting at level 1 - Body and weapon upgrades are separate - that means you can have them both at the same time, just like stat upgrades - Guns now play an animation when shooting - Increased how much the health regen stat contributes to your heal speed - Decreased size increase on level up - (2% => 1%) - Tanks are now completely data-driven, which means custom tanks with chat commands are possible - Slightly decreased camera size - Player size no longer influences recoil - Fixed bug with big shapes not being properly culled and flashing in/out of view - Fixed bug disconnecting people instantly after joining - Various performance improvements ALPHA 0.1.1 - August 15, 2021 - Fixed bug with rounding numbers - (1000undefined => 1k, 1000k => 1m) - Made camera zoom consistent, zoom should be the same on all resolutions - zooming out the webpage no longer gives you more view - Performance improvements - entities out of your view are no longer rendered or sent to your client - should improve render performance and network performance - Polygons of the same type always give the same amount of xp - Killing players now gives 75% of their xp - is still 25% for shapes - Polygons now spawn in groups instead of randomly - Lowered chance of big polygons spawning - there should now be much less large polygons - Polygons TEMPORARILY no longer grow over time - Changed look of health bars - this look will probably be tweaked again soon ALPHA 0.1.0 - August 15, 2021 - Added stat upgrades! - Each one goes up to 20 levels - Weapon upgrades: - Reload - min 0.5s, max 0.15s - Bullet Damage - min 20, max 60 - Bullet Speed - min 300, max 800 - Bullet Lifetime - min 1.2s, max 7s - Body upgrades: - Max Health - min 150, max 500 - Health Regeneration - min 1, max 5 - Body Damage - min 3, max 10 - Movement Speed - min 50, max 200 - these values are not balanced at all, and will definitely change in the future - more stats will probably also be added - leveling up still increases your stats also, and stacks with stat upgrades - pressing the number on the stat bar will upgrade it without having to click - You currently get a stat point for both your weapon AND your body when you level up - this may change so that it's not every level in the future - Fixed many bugs, including some server crashes - Tweaked many stats - Changed how health regeneration works - instead of constantly healing you, it will wait until you haven't taken damage for a certain amount of time, and then start healing you proportionally to your max hp. - the "certain amount of time" is based on your health regen stat also ALPHA 0.0.4 - August 14, 2021 - Leaderboard & xp bars will now round the xp - They will also add endings, for example: 1143 => 1.14k, 20248172 => 20.2m - Decreased the increase of xp per level (1.5x => 1.1x) ALPHA 0.0.3 - August 14, 2021 - Added full changelog to main menu, so all past updates are visible - Control Toggles (Auto Fire, Auto Spin, Spin Lock) now show their keybinds when toggled - so if you accidentally press one, you'll know how to turn it off - Refactored and optimized some of the game's code - Added a system for chat commands, though none exist currently - except admin ones that will help in testing the game - there aren't currently restrictions on who can use them, so let's just hope nobody finds them - Increased the time chat messages and notifications stay on screen - Chat messages (6.5s => 12s) - Notifications (3s => 6s) ALPHA 0.0.2 - August 13, 2021 - Added Changelog - Added recoil to bullets - Changed stats back to normal (60 shots per second was just for fun) - Fixed some bugs - Fixed server crash when someone kills someone after they die - Username is now saved on page reload ALPHA 0.0.1 - August 13, 2021 - First public release - Moved domain to - Current Features: - Main Menu - names have no character limit or filter currently, and don't save when you leave the page - death screen when you die, no visuals at the moment, and no spectating who killed you - Players, no upgrades, no classes other than default tank - no level cap - Shapes that grow very slowly over time - also no level cap, stats aren't balanced either - Leaderboard - no visuals other than the top 5 player's name, level, and score - Body Damage / Push - shapes can't damage each other, but can push each other - Chat - only shows above player's names, so you can only talk to people close to you - currently 150 character limit and no chat filter - Kill Notification - you get a notification every time you kill someone - Control Toggles - Auto Spin (C) - automatically turns your tank - direction switches each time you turn it on - Auto Fire (E) - automatically shoots without having to hold down click - Spin Lock (X) - stops your mouse from turning your tank - does nothing with auto spin enabled - The game lacks polishing and balancing, expect bugs and crashes while the game is in ALPHA - The stats are changed just for fun (no reload (60 bullets/second), shapes grow 40x faster, you get 20x someone's xp when you kill them)